Economic Regions

The Virginia Economic Development Partnership divides Virginia into seven regions, with links to community profiles and local economic development authorities in each region:

There are numerous other economic partnerships, and their boundaries define "communities" from an economic perspective:

There are over 30 state-assisted Small Business Development Centers across Virginia, but only 4 Better Business Bureaus serving Virginia:

The A.L. Philpott Manufacturing Extension Partnership (VPMEP) has members with a statewide perspective, such as the Center for Innovative Technology (CIT), Virginia Department of Business Assistance (DBA), and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (VDEQ). In addition, community colleges blanketing the state in 23 regions are involved, and the Wytheville Community College hosts the Manufacturing Technology Center (MTC). However, a close look at the educational partners shows the economic advantage of having a major university nearby in the neighborhood:

Entrepreneurial graduates of those schools are more likely to start their firms in familiar locations near Harrisonburg, Norfolk, Charlottesville, Blacksburg, and Richmond than to move to Danville, Reedville, Grundy, Onancock, etc...
Regions of Virginia
Virginia Places