Tazewell County

Tazewell County, highlighted in map of Virginia

One of the most distinctive locations in Tazewell County is Burke's Garden. A combination of erosion and the original tectonic pressures that uplifted sandstone/limestone sedimentary layers created what appears to be a "hole" in the mountains.

One of the earliest recorded explorers to see the unusual valley was James Burk, as he was exploring lands for Col. James Patton to patent. According to family tradition, Burk would go on long hunts with potatoes in his knapsack. He discovered a valley with a clearing, planted potatoes there, and found them growing a year later.

He may have simply discarded a potato that grew by chance, and during a later hunting/surveying expedition found that potatoes were growing 50 miles away from the settlements on the New River Valley. Fresh potatoes were a luxury that far from home.

Burk reportedly blocked an effort by Col. Patton to defraud him of the valley he called "Burk's Choice," and settled there before the start of the French and Indian War in 1755. Burk evacuated his family that year, then in 1756 fled on foot from a Shawnee raid.

Burke was part of the Sandy Creek Expedition led by Col. Andrew Lewis, which marched through the valley he called Burk's Choice on the way to attack the Shawnee in 1756. Today, the valley is known today as "Burke's Garden." That could reflect the comments of the soldiers on that expedition, as they enjoyed potatoes originally planted by Burk.

Despite his discovery, survey, claims, and even recognition through the place name, James Burk was never able to obtain clear title to Burke's Garden. Sometime after 1769, he sold his rights to William Ingles and John Draper.

During the Revolutionary War, James Burk was unwilling to align with the land speculators who had treated him so poorly. He was such a strong loyalist (Tory) that he disinherited a son who sided with the American rebels.1

Thomas Ingles, one of William Ingles' sons, chose to live in Burke's Garden. Thomas Ingles was four years old when he was seized in the 1755 Shawnee raid known as the Drapers Meadow Massacre. When his mother Mary Draper Ingles escaped and took the "long walk home" to Drapers Meadow, Thomas had been adopted into a Shawnee family. His father finally ransomed him in 1768.

By 1782, he was farming in Burke's Garden with his family and slaves when another Shawnee attack disrupted his life. Thomas Ingles escaped and found the Washington County militia already assembled for a muster on the North Fork of the Holston River. The militia tracked the Shawnee party to a camp near the modern Virginia-Kentucky border. In the rescue attempt the Shawnee killed one of his children and wounded his wife with a tomahawk blow to the head. Soon afterwards, Thomas abandoned Burke's Garden and moved to moved to Tennessee and ultimately Mississippi.2

Burke's Garden is a natural valley in Tazewell County, named after James Burk (who never acquired clear title to it)
Burke's Garden is a natural valley in Tazewell County, named after James Burk (who never acquired clear title to it)
Map Source: US Geological Survey, Bluefield 30x60 topographic grid (1981)

Burke's Garden geology
Burke's Garden geology
Source: Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals and Energy, Division of Geology and Mineral Resources Online Mapping Tool

the value of coal brought the Norfolk and Western Railroad to Pocahontas in Tazewell County in 1883
the value of coal brought the Norfolk and Western Railroad to Pocahontas in Tazewell County in 1883
Source: Library of Congress, Map of part of the great Flat-top coal-field of Va. & W. Va. showing location of Pocahontas & Bluestone collieries (by Jedediah Hotchkiss, 1886)

Tazewell County Courthouse
Tazewell County Courthouse

downtown Tazewell
downtown Tazewell

coal mining was a major provider of jobs in Tazewell County in the 1900's
coal mining was a major provider of jobs in Tazewell County in the 1900's
Map Source: National Archives, Miners Just Surfacing on the Mine Elevator at the Virginia-Pocahontas Mine

coal town at Red Ash (Tazewell County)
coal town at Red Ash (Tazewell County)
Source: National Archives, Old coal company town of Red Ash, Virginia, near Richards in Tazewell County in the southwestern part of the state. This is a classic picture of a company town with a railroad in the valley flanked by miners' homes. The coal mine superintendent's home is up the hill in the upper left portion of the picture. The separation is symbolic of the caste system which once rule in the mining towns but which is now in the process of change. The road is made of red dog, a mining byproduct

Tazewell County coal miner housing in 1946
Tazewell County coal miner housing in 1946
Source: National Archives, Houses by the dirty stream which is used for disposal of trash and garbage. Raven Red Ash Coal Company, No. 2 Mine, Raven, Tazewell County, Virginia (1946)

mining communities depended upon the railroad for moving people and coal
mining communities depended upon the railroad for moving people and coal
Source: National Archives, Railroad by the houses. Raven Red Ash Coal Company, No. 2 Mine, Raven, Tazewell County, Virginia (1946)


prior to the arrival of the Norfolk and Western Railroad in 1881, the coal seams at the future site of Pocahontas in Tazewell County was undeveloped
prior to the arrival of the Norfolk and Western Railroad in 1881, the coal seams at the future site of Pocahontas in Tazewell County was undeveloped
Source: Library of Congress, A map of the state of Virginia, constructed in conformity to law from the late surveys authorized by the legislature and other original and authentic documents (1859)


1. Patricia Givens Johnson, Irish Burks of Colonial Virginia and New River, Walpa Publishing, 1992, pp.116, posted online at The Burk Family History, http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~swva/The%20Burk%20Family%20History.htm (last checked July 31, 2015)
2. History Of The Great Kanawha Valley [West Virginia] With Family History And Biographical Sketches. A Statement Of Its Natural Resources, Industrial Growth And Commercial Advantages, Volume One, Brant Fuller & Co., 1891, reprinted by Heritage Books, 2007, pp.87-91, https://books.google.com/books?id=P14ttFn7D9oC; Emory L. Hamilton, "Capture and Rescue of the Ingles Family and Killing of Captain Thomas Maxwell" in Indian Atrocities Along the Clinch, Powell and Holston Rivers of Southwest Virginia, 1773-1794, published by RootsWeb at http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~varussel/indian/46.html (last checked July 31, 2015)

Town of Pocahontas in 1911
Town of Pocahontas in 1911
Source: Library of Congress, Aero view of Pocahontas, Va. 1911

Existing Virginia Counties
Virginia Places